2017 in Review: An Agency Blog Perspective
2017 was a monumental year for Quantifi Digital. We grew rapidly, picking up three new employees, many new clients, and even started a blog! We are going to recap some of the ideas touched upon in our fledgling blog as a reflection of the past year and our future momentum.
We started our blog with the launch of our new website in late July. Initially, our blog team consisted of a graphic designer and a digital strategist. In the first month we covered industry trends, including connected television, motion in design, and online video advertising. These posts set the tone of what the focus of our blog would be moving forward.
As we developed the blog process, our social media and business development team was brought into the fold. At the end of August, we showed the ins-and-outs of Navigating the Social Realm. We touched on the growing trend of podcasting and showed you how to craft the perfect Facebook post. We even shared a film history lesson that provided a great lesson in brand development.
At the onset of the first yearly snowfall, we showed weather data can actually be used to target ads. We looked forward to 2018 and tried predicting some social media and web design trends. Finally, to close out the year, we looked at the positive effects of social media.
Pushing into the New Year
As we delve into the new year, the Quantifi Digital blog team plans to continue researching industry trends and events, as well as fun side interests in order to bring them to you for your reading pleasure. Our goal is to bring you variety, interesting topics, and great quality to sharpen your digital marketing repertoire; we hope you enjoy reading as much as we enjoy sharing.